Preschool with Pediatrics Plus

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Twinning with my twins. 🍋  This package duo was yet another one of life’s HILARIOUS curve balls. I was 4 weeks pregnant when I Laughed Out Loud after my doctor told me, “We could be looking at multiple babies!” after seeing my hormone levels. 🤯🤣 ME?! A couple babies are inside me right now?! They are the sugar to my lemons, couldn’t imagine not knowing their sweet + silly 5-year-old selves.

🏫 Let’s chat PRESCHOOL!

If you’re in the DFW area or in Arkansas and haven’t heard of Pediatrics Plus and are considering preschool, I highly recommend checking out this development preschool! Ethan & Charlotte did 1 year of preschool before starting kindergarten and we were so grateful for the incredible learning experience they had at Pediatrics Plus in Frisco, TX. (They also have Arkansas locations– I’ve visited them and they are top notch!) The program is offered to children 6 weeks to 6 years old and has very low teacher to student ratios. They have skilled teachers, therapists, behavior specialists, and nurses available in the classroom. Ethan & Charlotte were in a class with only a handful of other students, half of those students having special needs. Grateful for their teachers who taught them to be individuals along with already being a super sweet team! 💛

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Pediatrics Plus is a developmental preschool that provides traditional learning, along with pediatric speech therapy, occupational therapy, and even services for kiddos with autism. This was the full package preschool with overly-qualified & highly-trained teachers and therapists. It’s basically a dream program that focuses on evidence-based research for how children most effectively learn!

The entire team of teachers were SO wonderful and I’m grateful for the outpouring of love all the staff in the building offered my kids. Each time we walked into the school, every adult cheerfully greeted and high-fived Ethan and Charlotte as we made our way towards their classroom to get them checked in. There’s simply so much love. I fully believe this practice of kindness helped my kids feel EXCITED to go to school 3 days every week.

3D Tour – Tap here to see a virtual tour of the clinic on your phone or computer!

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Tap HERE to see the blog post I wrote right before Ethan & Charlotte went to their 1st year of preschool!

One of my favorite memories from their preschool was when I dropped of the twin’s at preschool and I noticed Ethan walked towards the corner of the room and he sat down next to a classmate who has down syndrome. I watched as Ethan started joking with the classmate and then he simply hung out with him while they both watched the other kids in the room play. My heart melted and my eyes swelled up as the teacher walked over towards me and said, “Ethan’s a nurturer. He gravitates towards children younger than he is and those with special needs.” It’s been nothing short of miraculous to watch both my children who don’t have special needs flourish alongside those children who do. These inclusion preschools are phenomenal and I wish we had more available! Ethan and Charlotte had 3 teachers in their classrooms with up to 18 kids at a time. Usually, I only see 5-10 kids together at 1 time. I appreciate these very low student to teacher ratios because it gives me the peace of mind that every student in this environment is getting the most effective help. Especially after watching the differences in my twins: no two learners are alike. Ethan excelled in developing his fine gross motor skills! Not only could he actually color, he could finally color within the lines! haha. Charlotte learned to embrace learning her letters and made the connection identifying objects and sounds by using her letters. They came home always eager to share their adventures from school that day. And surprisingly enough, it’s never all about the playground (wink wink).

I remember at the beginning of the school year, one of their classmates was learning how to walk on his own and the weekly school newsletter was sent home to remind us all to congratulate the excited student for his HUGE milestone when he made it. The twins were so excited for him! I’m grateful Ethan and Charlotte were there every week to witness miracles from hard, consistent effort.

Enroll Now – To get started!

Learn More about Pediatrics Plus!

Texas Location Information 

Click HERE ON THIS POST to see pictures of my kids at their preschool and a bit more details!

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Thanks Pediatrics Plus for partnering with me on this post!


  1. Louisa Assibi
    July 29, 2020 / 9:03 pm

    Could you share the brands for their winter coats and their sneakers?

  2. Ana
    July 30, 2020 / 7:44 am

    Are any of your kids special needs? Myself and my daughter are. I hope they do not utilize ABA as it is detrimental. In our special needs community, ABA is something we all are loudly against. OT is a much better option. I wish we had a place like that here.

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