Optimism Challenge

Thank you Frost Bank for sponsoring this post. 

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Greeting Lovelies, from the Texas Hill Country! We’re having one last family vacation before school starts next week. The kids are all sleeping (dreamy!!!) so I wanted to quickly share with y’all an easy + simple challenge I’m looking forward to. The Frost Bank optimism challenge. I’ve been excited to start. Today’s task: write down 5 things I’m grateful for. These cuties definitely make the top of the list!

Since I delivered my last baby, I’ve felt a lot of anxiety and stress. I’ve had plenty of experience with stress, but this is the first time in my life I can remember feeling anxiety. The never-ending to-do lists, deadlines, angry, teething baby. I assumed this would’ve hit me when I was home with my not-even 2 year old and brand new baby twins. Nope! It came with my 4th baby and a brand new at-home business. It’s been a journey to navigate the source of my feelings and hasn’t been easy to explore deep-rooted heartache and how to seek peace and contentment. I’m not on the other side of this yet. But since I absolutely LOVE sharing my heart and experience with y’all through this blog and Instagram, everything worth having is worth fighting for. That is why I am taking part in Frost Bank’s 30-day Optimism Challenge. As part of the challenge, you receive a daily “act of optimism” for thirty days. It’s a quick email with the sweetest dose of encouragement. Who’s in?!

JOIN the challenge here:

30 Day Optimism Challenge by Frost Bank

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