Happy Friday! It’s almost the weekend! Tonight, we’re celebrating my hubby’s birthday with a dinner and movie. Keeping things casual after last weekend where he surprised me with a Roaring 20’s Murder Mystery party to celebrate my 30th birthday! Our birthdays are a week apart, it’s been fun to share the weeklong celebrations together for the last 10 years.
I’m giving the scoop about a new bag I’m in love with! If you’ve been following along with me you know how much I adore diaper bags! Especially Lily Jade’s bags. I’ve chatted about it HERE and HERE and HERE. And because it’s just SUCH a fantastic bag, I’m giving away a $375 gift card to Lily Jade website, enter below! They carry lifestyle, travel bags, and soooo many accessories. The quality of their products are incredible. Pop on over there to check out there Mother’s Day Sale!
If we’re being honest, diaper bags have come such a long way! My husband teases me about my enormous collection that I can’t bear to part with. I take that back, I gave 1 to my sweet friend Courtney (luv you!). These bags have become my “church bag” and my “gym bag” and my “work bag” and my “laptop bag”, etc… It’s comical, y’all. I’ve realized that I don’t have a weekender bag that’s a bit larger than the average diaper bag. I’d love a travel size that has more room to fit the kid’s essentials in for when they spend the night at their friend’s or grammie’s house (grammie & grandad are moving here next weekend and the kid’s are FREAKING OUT about it). I mean, we all are. I feel lucky to have such rocking grandparents for my kids and I’m prepping this weekender bag to get full use <wink wink>.
I get asked this question a lot: What do I have in my bag when I’m out with the kids? This is how I pack the LEAST amount of stuff. After 4 kids, I think I’ve finally gotten it just about right (haha!)
- Diapers– I usually keep 2-3. 1 for us and a couple to help another mama out.
- Wipes– I use a small package in a disposable pouch. I never use a plastic wipes case, they never get used!
- CHANGE of Clothes– I pack 1 PJ for Avery just. in. case. I use a jammie instead of socks, pants, and shirt. I also put it in a gallon sized zip-lock bag so that I’ll have a bag to put her dirty clothes in.
- Hand Sanitizer- I go through these like m&m’s.
- Snacks + Drinks– I always have a fruit/veggie pouch for Avery + goldfish in my bag.
- Dum Dums– A few suckers in my bag for my 3 older kids in case I need them to behave while at a store or running errands. I’m never above a little bribery.
- 2 Books + Toys– For Avery to play with or for the kids to read in the car or while running errands. I rotate these every other week.
- SWADDLE- I use this as a nursing cover, blanket, spit rag, everything!
- Protein Bar- You never know when this mama is gonna be hungry, so this keeps me from stopping at Krispy Kreme when the fresh donuts light is on 😉
The Ann Marie Weekender bag is a CLASSY, beautiful, and designer-quality bag! And it carries all that I need for my 4 babes. This travel bag features an extra-long shoulder carry straps and a fully adjustable cross body strap! I LOVE the Brand & Gold style. It’s premium full grain leather in a timeless shade of brandy. The bag has the signature Jade lining, it’s such a pretty color. The bag also has top of the line gold hardware, zippers, and feet. It ships free and is on sale right now for $374. And BECAUSE IT’S JUST SO GOOD, don’t forget to enter below! Good luck, babes! xo
Hello Ivory Rose + Lily Jade Giveaway – Spring 2018!