EASIEST Way To Eat Healthy When You Don’t Have Time

Happy Thursday, friends! It’s been a sunny, beautiful day. The kids are about to go down for bed and Aaron & I will sneak in a workout, hang a chandelier that I’ve been dying to get up, and then relax while watching one of our favorite shows (The Last Ship is amazing). Now that school is in full swing for the kids, we’ve picked up doing regular home workouts together either in the morning or after the kids have gone to sleep. We’ll pop on a TV show in our movie room while lifting weights or cycling on the spin bike before we pass out for the night. I really LOVE this new routine! Aaron’s working 1 day a week as an associate orthodontist while working on building his practice which will open April 2019! We are so excited and are so thankful that the income from Hello Ivory Rose and my Instagram are supporting us in the mean time.

If you follow along with me on my Instagram stories, you’ll know I’ve been chatting a lot about eating a healthy diet and exercising. I don’t follow any particular diet and I avoid temporary fads like sugarless months, etc. When I’ve labeled particular foods as “off-limit” or “bad” then I mistake that to mean something about myself if I’ve given in the to “bad” food. So, to protect my relationship with food and to keep it balanced and positive, I full-heartedly believe moderation is everything and being intentional about what foods I’m eating and WHY I’m eating them. Easy to say, hard to do, right?? I’m a complete work in progress and I’ve got big goals!

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As a busy mama, I am so grateful to have come across GEMS like Territory Foods that help me keep my nutritional goals. If you’re anything like me, after preparing and feeding 4 tiny mouths that all have different opinions and tastebuds, I don’t have a lot of mental energy to meal plan, grocery shop, and cook a healthy balanced meal for myself even 50% of the time. Which is why my nutritional needs took a huge dive over the summer. I began to honestly not care what I was eating for lunch and dinner. It 100% affected my mood and I felt sad I had allowed that priority to slip away. I NEEDED to outsource some help in this department! You’ve probably seen Territory Meals ALL over my Instagram stories, haha! I don’t have to assemble or cook the meals!

Territory Foods is a healthy meal delivery service that focuses on providing prepared meals with locally sourced ingredients. Meals are prepared by local chefs with a variety of culinary backgrounds. Currently, Territory Foods is serving four regional areas in the United States : San Francisco, Southern California, Dallas/Fort Worth, and DC-Md-Va. The chefs from Territory Foods never put any gluten, dairy or refined sugar in the meals they create with options like Whole30 , Paleo, Vegetarian, & New/ Expecting Moms. And because y’all know I love you and am always trying to get discount codes set up, use code “IVORYROSE” at checkout for $25 off your order!

I’ve been regularly eating their lunches + dinners. I’m very consistent with my morning routine for having a quick breakfast (protein shake and protein bar) and so I knew I was covered there and wouldn’t struggle with keeping my goals. But lunches and dinners have been problematic for me and so I ordered a weeks worth at a time! I chose to pick them up at a local pilates studio near my home but there is the option to pay a small fee to have them delivered to your home. The meals have been delicious and the menus change every week! I definitely recommend trying Territory Foods to help you meet your dietary needs while still balancing your family’s tastes. Even my long time gym partner has been using this service to help her prioritize her busy work and mama schedule along with her celiac disease. Whatever reason you have, whether it’s to get back on your game of eating healthy foods or if you simply don’t have time to meal prep the way you’d like– Territory Foods has you covered!

Use code IVORYROSE for $25 off your 1st order!

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1 Comment

  1. October 3, 2018 / 3:17 pm

    These meal prep companies are taking over but I’m not mad at it at all. It’s so convenient.

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