2 Llamas + 10 Things Happenin’

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Happy fall, y’all! Cooler temps have officially hit the mid 50’s and I’m not even sad about it. Especially since it’ll probably be back in the 90’s this weekend, LOL. Is it swimsuits or chunky knit sweaters?? I love the transition from Summer to Fall. It’s a bit nostalgic since that’s when Aaron and I were newlyweds doing allllll the fun things BYU kids do in Utah. Here’s a few things happening in October.

  1. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. Ethan made me finally get him batman costumes. (Daddy was thrilled) Oh my gosh you guys, he’s 4 years old and has never owned a super hero costume. I can bet we had 20 princess costumes but not a single costume for him. He’s been a trooper so far, playing pretend fairies. Poor dude. The twins also found 2 llamas that we had to get. I mean, is there anything cuter? And I may or may not have 4 little oompa loompas happening, too.
  2. AVERY WONT TAKE BOTTLES, AGAIN- What’s wrong with me?! I knew better than to stop adding the occasional bottle into our week. I LOVE bottles because it allows a ton of flexibility for me to leave when I need to and for babysitters to stay with the kids so that Aaron and I can go out. But I didn’t have our sitter come for over a week and now Avery is back to not liking bottles. I pumped this morning and she took the bottle, woo! (But I’m currently fighting her on it right now) I shared about how I got Avery to 1st take a bottle here in this post.
  3. HUBBY HAD TO BUILD A RACK FOR MY BAGS. That diaper bag/purse obsession I mentioned is real. And I’m still obsessed with this Rosie and Camel Lily Jade bag! This is my FAVORITE leather diaper bag. I shared all of my favorite details and features about it here! This is a CLASSY, beautiful, and designer-quality bag! My favorite feature is the unique backpack straps! It’s 1 long, thick leather strap that slips through 3 rings. As I’m wearing it, the straps never slide off either of my shoulders. It might seem like such a small issue but it’s the first thing I noticed! It’s brilliant. Since my hands are overflowing with toddler and baby hands, a non-backpack bag isn’t very functional most of the time. And this full grain leather Rosie bag in their rich camel color with gold hardware is gorgeous!
  4. THANKSGIVING VACATION- I just booked 4 nights at the JW Marriott in San Antonio for next month. Santa makes an appearance to flip on the lights for their annual Holiday Lights! The kids are gonna freak!
  5. HOUSE SHOPPIN’- Eeeek! I honestly don’t know how I feel about it. Selling our home that we’ve had for 6+ years… all the feels. I get emails with new listings from our realtor ever day that fit our criteria and I haven’t liked a. single. one. Thinking about building?? Aaron will be building a practice soon in a neighboring city and we would love to become part of the community there. But guys… moving is just not happening in my current reality.
  6. GYM-I’m like almost a month into it. I’d rather being doing everything and anything except working out but I can’t deny the way it allows me to feel super accomplished. Even if I’ve had a crap day, if I exercised then I feel good about what I got done that day. Side effects: it makes me hungry but I also burn more calories so it’s awesome in every way.
  7. HUBBY FINALLY BOUGHT A CAR- He sure did. We shared a car for the first 6 years of our marriage. During dental school, he rode the bus to the train station and took the train into downtown Dallas. Then we finally bit the bullet and bought a couple thousand dollar manual, barely even power-windows car (insert I can’t drive stick. I won’t tell you how many old boyfriends tried to teach me 😉 ). Since Aaron’s tendonitis has gotten so obnoxious, even driving it has been terrible for it and his lower back. Getting old sometimes ain’t fun! So he finally bought a newer used vehicle! YAY! He’s in love. Except someone dinged him in a parking lot and didn’t leave a note the day after he bought it. Haha… oh man.
  8. OLD IPHONE- 7 or 8? I have an old one and I’m thinking about upgrading. I need to hear what you like or dislike about either! And lets be honest, all I really care about is the camera and storage for my 30k photos (LOL)
  9. REIN ON NETFLIX- I looooove this show. I can’t remember the last time I’ve started an episode and didn’t pause it about 100 times. #life (Counting down days until October 27– Stranger Things Season 2. Why is it so good? I don’t even know why I like it. )
  10. MY DIET IS CRAZY- It’s like 60% protein bars and shakes, 20% salads, 20% ice cream and chocolate. It just hasn’t been a priority as of late and that’s okay. I’ll make more time for it. Soon, -ish. 😉
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  1. October 17, 2017 / 9:50 am

    Loved reading this update and AMEN on the diet girl! haha I need to get better but just haven’t made the time too 🍕🍔

    • Janene
      October 17, 2017 / 9:53 am

      Haha! Thanks for the diet commodore!!! It seriously made me laugh. Thanks Kelsie! xo

  2. Kristen
    October 17, 2017 / 11:28 am

    Ok, so my husband and I are finally getting ready to move after about 5-6 years in our house. We were on the mls listing for 5 months before we settled on the house we wanted to buy. And even now through the buying process we’re still in the listing and I take a look every now and then just out of curiosity. I haven’t seen anything else that I have liked. So, that being said, when “your” house pops up you’ll just know. I remember my parents building their house and it took forever…which is a good thing since a lot of these builders like Ryan homes just slap them together in record time now and they fall apart 15 years down the road. My husband used to work in construction and that’s his biggest complaint with these home builders today, they slap houses together so fast, they aren’t built to last. Personally, we found a home that was built in the 70’s, it has great bones, it’s solidly built, but it has been fully remodeled inside and out.

    • Janene
      October 17, 2017 / 12:06 pm

      Hey Kristen! It sounds like you landed exactly where you needed to be! I love home from the 70’s, lots of charming character as well. We probably visited 30 homes before buying our current home and I remember feeling a bit sad because none of the houses felt right. And then we found our current home and it just felt so right. Thank you for sharing that reminder! xo

  3. Holly
    October 17, 2017 / 8:39 pm

    iPhone 7, 8 OR 10 you mean! 10 is just around the corner! But that be said, hubby and I are in the same boat and we figured the 7 is what we need without spending over a thousand bucks on a phone. 7 takes awesome photos and has the storage, 8 isn’t that much different just the display size is different and Apple reduced the iPhone 8’s battery capacity.

    • Janene
      October 19, 2017 / 9:16 am

      Thank you Holly! Yes, these were the exact thoughts swirling around my head. Thanks for sharing those details! Let me know what y’all end up choosing and if you love it! xo

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